Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Today was actually a pretty quiet day all in all.

On the way to school this morning the hooligan's asked to eat out tonight for dinner, which was fine by me. When asked, they declared that "five dollar footlong" was what they wanted. When asked, they advised that they really didn't know what a "five dollar footlong" actually was.
Work sucked as it has all week - lay offs hit the office, thankfully not to me - and when I picked up the hooligans from school the first thing out of their mouths was, of course, "five dollar footlong". So, off to Subway we went. It was actually pretty good. There are like 5 Subways in town and we went to the one that is fairly new. The bread was really fresh, which considering it was about 6 o'clock in the evening, was somewhat surprising. The hooligans of course did not finish their "five dollar footlong" and in fact my oldest Romulus (obviously not his real name) got a pizza. While the children believe that the pizza is the world's most perfect food, I personally would get tired of eating it all the time like they want to do. One thing really bugs me, though, about Subway. I don't like a lot of stuff on my sandwich. Maybe the occasional pickle or onion, but for the most part I just want the meat, cheese, and either mayo or honey mustard. But when you go to there and get a sandwich and then tell the "sandwich artist" that you don't want lettuce, tomato, olive, oil and vinegar, salt and pepper, cucumbers, jalepenos, bacon, and all the other crap they have to put on the sandwich, they look at you like you're crazy. Accept that I just want a sandwich without all the crap and don't give me that look and ask "are you sure that's it" twice while commenting to all that will hear that I chose not to put banana peppers on my ham and cheese sandwich.

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